Sponsor a Student
Student sponsorship is a unique, meaningful and personal way to make a difference in a student's life, their family and the community they live in. When you sponsor a student, you cover the cost of their tuition at HAVE and provide them with a $500 graduation gift to pay for items required for the job market. Contact us to start giving today!
What do sponsors receive?
Personalized thank you from sponsored student
Framed photo with sponsored student
Meet and greet with our Board of Directors
Tour of the school
Invitations to all special events
Recognition on our website
Use of HAVE Logo
Visionaries are committed to the health and well-being of our community.
$50,000 or more
Receive all the benefits of Champions
Plus two large, framed artisan plates with your name, one displayed at our restaurant and another for you to keep
Six tickets to any Amber and Friends dinner
Recognition letter to our Friends of HAVE mailing list
Priority logo placement in our marketing materials
Leaders make HAVE's future vision a reality.
$25,000 - $49,999
Receive all the benefits of Champions
Plus two framed artisan plates with your name, one displayed at our restaurant and another for you to keep
Four tickets to any Amber and Friends dinner
Recognition letter to our Friends of HAVE mailing list
Logo placement in our marketing materials
Transformers give life-changing experiences to HAVE students.
$10,000 - $24,999
Receive all the benefits of Champions
Plus two framed kitchen spoons engraved with your name, one displayed at our restaurant and another for you to keep
Two tickets to any Amber and Friends dinner
Recognition letter to our Friends of HAVE mailing list
Logo placement in our marketing materials
Investors provide HAVE students with sustained comprehensive services.
$3,750 - $9,999
Receive all the benefits of Champions
Plus a personalized thank you from supported students
Professional photo with the supported students
Each graduate receives a $500 scholarship to purchase items needed for their new jobs
Champions help build a positive future for a HAVE graduate.
$1,000 - $3,749
Receive a tax deductible receipt for your donation
Meet and greet tour of HAVE
Invitations to all special events
Recognition on our website and social media
Use of HAVE logo
Hire a Graduate
Our culinary training program works closely with local restaurants, cafes and hotels to provide employment for our graduates. The culinary school thrives with the involvement of the community.
Why hire a HAVE graduate?
No recruiting cost to find new kitchen staff
Expedited hiring process
Skill levels from dishwashers to line cooks
Pre-screened employees with local references
All graduates complete food safety training

Supporting Foundations
Many thanks for the past and continued support of the following charitable foundations.
1988 Foundation
Dan Snook Trust Foundation
Diamond Foundation
Dr. Ann Worth Foundation

Gourmet Warehouse and Wusthof Knives
A sincere thank you to Gourmet Warehouse and Wusthof Knives for donating an incredible selection of kitchen tools for HAVE students in the ITA Professional Cook program. In addition, they donated a full knife set that will be presented to HAVE's highest achieving student in the program.